Google WebFonts and WordPress Font Icons

Google Fonts

By using a selection of Google WebFonts, you have the ability to easily give your website a unique feel, while also keeping your load times to a minimum. Google WebFonts links your theme directly to the Google WebFont library… so you don’t need to send anything from your server (Google has nicer servers anyway).

WordPress Font Icons

Font based icons are the wave of the future. By using WordPress font icons, Avedon allows you to use their small filesize and inherent flexibility to make Avedon a fully responsive WordPress theme. We’ve included a variety of icons along with the class that you need to apply to have them appear. Then just change the font-size a bit and you’re ready to roll!

  • glyphicon-asterisk
  • glyphicon-bullhorn
  • glyphicon-cog
  • glyphicon-heart
  • glyphicon-leaf
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Vimeo
  • Googleplus

2 Responses so far...

  1. Haeck Design ProfileHaeck Design says:

    This is a test comment… Only a test.

    • Haeck Design Profile Haeck Design says:

      About that earlier comment. ….it was only a test.